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Hey Brother,

I want to talk about 1 thing that is messing up you guys Game and if you can drop this one thing then you'll actually progress in the Game.

The thing you need to drop is simple...

"Stop comparing yourself to other men."

I see & hear this all the time...

"Oh, if I could look like a Timothée Chalamet, maybe I'll get more women."

"Oh, I'm not 6'4 so girls don't like me."

Blah blah blah


Stop comparing yourself to other men.

Focus on you and what you need to do in order to get to where you need to go.

It's that simple.

See if you focus on you, then you'll figure out what you need to do in order to succeed.

Life is not fair so what?

Yes, there are going to be guys who attract women easier than you and there are also going to be guys who have it harder than you when it comes to attracting women but you need to do what you need to do for you.


There is someone right now who has a rich daddy and probably won't have to work a day in their life cause Daddy's rich.

But you, You go to work so are you going to say "look this MF is not working so why do I have to work"

Look, that's their situation.

What's yours?

Your situation is you might have to work but you're not going to stop making money just cause someone has it easier than you.

The thing is when you compare yourself to other men, you're letting your insecurities out.

You're no longer focused on what makes you unique or interesting no more which is kinda of sad.

You should only focus on yourself and compare yourself to your past self so you can see your level of progression.

That's the only comparison you need to make.

When you compare yourself to other guys, you think the other guy that you're comparing yourself to has it easier just cause he has more money, looks better or built better.

The funny thing is that he may not have it easier as you might believe.

Say he has more money than you, you might think he is killing it Game wise but the truth is most women just want to use him for his money but you don't know this cause you don't UNDERSTAND THE GAME.

Now, do you understand why I say you should focus on you?

You don't have to be the dude with the most money or be the most good looking guy in the room or have the highest status.

You don't have to go all out to be these things.


The reason I say this is you have to live with YOU, you wake up to YOU and go to bed with YOU.

You have to do what you can for YOU so stop COMPARING yourself to other men.

It's doing nothing for you.