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Hey Brrr,

A lot of guys don't realize how tough the dating market is for men.

You might think, "I'll eventually find a nice, sweet girl."


But do you really want to leave finding the woman you'll spend a lot of your physical, mental, and emotional energy on to chance?

The potential mother of your children who will carry on your bloodline?

Do you really want to leave finding her to "chance"?

Understand this clearly.

Five to ten years ago, you could be a low-key successful guy with no "game" and still get girls where you grew up because that was a beautiful girl's whole world.

But in 2023?

Any quality girl in a major city has DMs from hundreds of guys at any time.

I'm not talking about simps, but solid, healthy, successful men with clout.

You might think, "But quality women don't respond to random messages on Instagram" or "The best type of girls are not on Instagram!"

I get where you're coming from.

You're thinking "idealistically" about women.

But women rarely act "idealistically."

She's a female first and will respond to female nature—moving toward men who have social resources, influence, power, and charisma.

Men who have game.

This is the reality.

The average man simply doesn’t stand a chance.

Even successful men, men who any girl would love to be around on paper, don't stand a chance.

Because she doesn't know about your existence.

You do not exist in beautiful women's reality right now.

That is why you should get my book "Men who get women"

Get Laid Effortlessly so you NEVER have to live through sleepless nights thinking about that ONE girl who doesn’t even want you.

Let's be honest.

The Goal is not to JUST get women.

The goal is ALSO to create an amazing social circle

The goal is ALSO to gain respect from men you admire

The Goal is to become a Naturally Attractive Man who Effortlessly Sleeps with Beautiful Women while living a life of freedom, creating fun experiences with his Incredible Social Circle.

"Men who get women" shows you exactly how. 🔽

I'm so excited to witness your growth, brother.