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Hey Brother,

Some scammers teach fake dating mindsets and "techniques"...

...which will only make you seem more like a "female friend" to a girl...

...instead of a masculine guy

she wants to sleep with.

The most obvious one of these is being obsessed with your looks.

Now, in general, you SHOULD take care of your appearance:

Groom your hair and beard...

Wear deodorant...

Work out...

Wear clothes that fit you...

But if you're a guy who can't walk past a mirror without checking himself out... make sure every little hair is perfect and freaking out if it's not, like "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"...

...that's kind of a

feminine trait.

Still, yes, if you're a certain type of guy...

...improving your looks might help you a bit with women.

But improving looks alone will make very little difference for most men.

And the looks that DO matter...

...can be improved with good hygiene, proper style, and basic upkeep of your face and body.


I didn't start going to the gym until I had already slept with 30+ women.

And I still dated and slept with stunning women who are too hot for most men to even approach.

I've had hundreds of guys who looked like male models come to me and admit they were virgins...

They told me all their friends think they sleep with tons of women when they don't get laid at all.

Being physically attractive alone

won't help you:

Text properly.

Know how to LEAD an interaction.

Run a date so she wants to go home with you and see you again.

Set up your online profile with the psychological reasons women swipe right.

...or any of the other things you need to know to get the girls you want.

You can learn all those things right now. Just click here and Get my book on what women want

Make Them Look More

Like A Girl Than A Man

She Wants To Sleep With...

...being obsessed with your looks is just the start.

Another one is waiting for "choosing signals."

Girls don't want you to wait for THEM to make the move (which includes looking at you)...

Some won't make a move at all, even if they like you.

Because they become more attracted when YOU are the one to initiate.

So Be A Man

& Take Action!

Make your presence known.

In tribal times, women wanted the tribal leader.

The guy who is most confident in who he is...

Who believes in himself...

And who knows he's good enough for her.

The problem with the gimmicky nonsense most coaches teach...

Is it signals to the girl that...

You Think She's Higher

Value Than You Are.

She can tell when you're trying to "do attraction-building techniques" to "win her over"...

And it's literally repulsive to her.

So if you'd like to learn the REAL strategies that make women see you as a masculine "tribal leader"...

...instead of some bland guy trying and failing to "build attraction"...

Until next time