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Hey my man.

You've been taking some serious action lately, which is impressive, but let's be honest—we both know you're capable of even more.

That's why I've decided to share with you the 5 Golden Rules of Game. I wish I had known these when I was in your shoes.

Rule #1: Give Her Nicknames. When you give something a name, you own it. For example, call her "coconut girl"—hard on the outside, soft on the inside.

Rule #2: Push and Pull. Disqualify her, then give her some positive reinforcement. For example, playfully push her away and say, "You're trouble, go away!" Then immediately bring her in for a hug. It's like taking two steps forward and one step back.

Rule #3: NEVER seek a reaction. After saying something charming or funny, don't just wait for her response like a dog waiting for a bone. Instead, look away or change the topic. She'll notice, trust me.

Rule #4: Cold Reads - If your guess is right, she'll want to know how you knew. If it's wrong, she'll want to know why you thought so. For example, saying, "You spent half your high school in detention, didn't you?"

Rule #5: Remember, YOU ARE THE PRIZE. If you work on yourself and learn how to attract women for just six months, you'll become the prize. Girls will compete for your attention, and opportunities will open up for you socially, romantically, and financially.


If you have low ambition, or if you're lazy and hold hate for women, DO NOT INVEST in it.

But if you have genuine love for the feminine, and you're an action taking badass, only then can you check it out.

I can't wait for you to use the hundreds of techniques inside when you go out tonight.

Have a marvellous day G.