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Hey Bro,

If you lose confidence around attractive girls, they can usually tell.

In most cases, they’ll lose attraction for you because of it.

That’s why you need to fix this—or they’ll never sleep with you.

Gaining more confidence isn’t about chanting affirmations or even faking it.

They can see through that.

You need real, authentic confidence.

This is the only type of confidence that makes girls feel relaxed, excited, and ready to do anything in your presence.

You can get that natural confidence permanently, and sooner than you think.

Here are a few secrets to help you:

One is the 3-second rule.

Don’t wait more than 3 seconds to approach a girl after you see her.

Setting this basic rule will have a huge impact on you for the rest of your life.

If you wait too long, doubts start to creep in:

“What if she doesn’t like me?”

“What if she has a boyfriend?”

"What if I’m not her type?”

“What if I’m rejected harshly and it bruises my ego?”

“What if other people around us notice?”

Guys will build up excuse after excuse, destroying their confidence.

The 3-second rule is a fundamental cornerstone.

If you wait any longer, you’re putting yourself at a huge disadvantage.

It’s easy to think, “I’ll approach the next one,” but this becomes a bad habit.

So, approach within 3 seconds of seeing her.

As you approach, believe your value is 100 out of 100.

How do you do this?

List your coolest traits, accomplishments, and qualities.

Keep these in mind when approaching a girl.

This will improve your body language and nonverbal communication, making her see your confidence.

Rejections will still happen, but they don’t mean anything about you.

Often, rejections are due to factors outside your control, like her having a bad day, already having a boyfriend, or just not being open to any approaches.

The most important thing for building confidence?

Take action whenever you see a beautiful woman.

The more you do it, the more your confidence grows.

And if you'd like to gain access to my FULL step-by-step mindset systems...

That reveal how to become 100% comfortable in your own skin...

And never give a f*ck what other people think...

So that hot girls are totally magnetized by your presence

You're going to want to get "What Women Want" and soak in the mindset modules. Which are a LOT of gold:

Until next time