New Post

Hey brother,

I don’t spend a lot of time on Twitter or Instagram, but when I do, I always see guys complaining about how women don’t bring anything to a relationship except their bodies.

They use this as an excuse to be bitter and resentful.

These guys will say, “I bring so much to her life, and she just brings… her body?”

My question to them is, what exactly do you want in a woman?

Often, the answer is something vague like, “She shouldn’t be woke!” But that’s not really a meaningful answer, and it doesn’t help them find what they’re looking for.

Then, they go looking for advice from some online guru who just repeats the same negative things they’ve heard before.

I’m sharing this because I want to ask you: Do you even know what a woman can bring into your life?

Women can be amazing partners if you know what to look for.

That’s why I keep asking you these important questions—because most people won’t.

So, what do I want a woman to bring to the table?

Here’s my list:

- I want a woman who is naturally happy and pleasant to be around.

- I want a woman who has a strong connection with God.

- I want a woman who knows how to cook.

- I want a woman who loves doing some kind of art.

- I want a woman who understands her role as a spiritual support in my life.

- I want a woman who doesn’t use social media much and prefers real-life connections.

- I want a woman who doesn’t wear makeup.

- I want a woman who is excited to become a mother.

This type of woman brings beauty, femininity, and comfort into my life.

Yes, her body is an important part of it, just like a man’s strength and mental toughness are key elements.

Together, a woman’s body and a man’s mind create something special.

A woman like this inspires me to work harder because I know she’s taking care of things at home.

That’s what she brings to the table.

And I meet women like this more often than most guys do because I’m clear about what I want in a partner.

Are you?
