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Hey Brother,

One of the reasons I tell guys to MOVE FAST with women is simply to know if the woman you're interested in is also interested in you but also to see if you're REALLY interested in her.

So what does that mean?

That means that you and her have to spend some time together so you can see if there's actual s3xual compatibility there (Are you actually attracted to her for real?) cause right now you're attracted to her cause she looks good but are you spending time with her in person to see if you're actually into her and vice versa.

Now what most people do is they waste a lot of time and then they finally meet the girl then realize "this is not going anywhere."

So you wasted weeks talking to a girl you matched with on bumble and you finally meet her 3 weeks later.

Y'all go out to get coffee or drinks and as you're chilling with her, you discover that the vibe just ain't there and she feels different in person than when you both talked on FaceTime.

Now you've wasted a whole 3 weeks talking to this girl you met on bumble when you can just move things fast by setting up the meet the next day or that same night.

Say you meet her after setting the meet for that night (same day) and you don't feel the vibe.

Notice the stark difference with the one where you were trying to move things at a snail pace.

The cost for the former was 3 whole weeks and the latter was just that same night.

With the latter, you saved yourself having to waste 3 whole weeks talking to a girl that you later won't vibe with which saves you time and energy.