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Hey man,

Most guys are chasing women by using lines, using stories to impress or trying to get her to laugh instead of getting women to chase them.

They're being encouraged to do this by their so-called "dating gooros" but at the end she runs away from you..

Women are like cats, if you pet the cat and try to make it come to you... then it'll leave you but...

When you push it away, the cat will want you.

So I'm going to give you what you can use word for word to get a woman invested in you in a way that will keep the conversation interesting.


Let's talk about the mindset.

Your mindset here is crucial.

You've to see yourself as the prize.

No woman wants to date a guy who is beneath her (lower value than her)

So how do you see yourself as the prize?

Well, I wish there was a magic line for that but the only way to do that is to BELIEVE in yourself.

Start telling yourself that every single day and actually put in the WORK.

So this every day and you'll start to believe it.

You see the brain absorb and act upon whatever info you give it whether good or bad.

That's how it becomes an unconscious belief.

Donald Trump used to listen to recorded positive self-talk audios he made himself everyday.

This is inner Game.

Now let's talk about the OUTER GAME.

Watch/model your behaviors from guys that are good with women.

One of the things that all guys that are irresistible to women do is THEY CHALLENGE WOMEN.

They act like the prize.

How do they do that:

=> They screen her

=> They make her qualify herself to him

One qualification question they use is...

"Well listen, I'm really picky about who I hang out with so tell me one cool thing about you? What are you passionate about?"

Then you shut up and let her answer.

Ok, this is like an open-ended question.

You can also ask a specific question.

In fact, I want you to write right down qualities that you're looking for in a girl.

Make a list from 5-10 non-physical attribute that are non-negotiables and then you can go out to screen women for those qualities to see if they have them or not.

A friend of mine (Ethan) non-physical attribute that looks for in a woman is her culinary skill.

Very huge deal breaker for him if she can't cook so he screen girls based on that.

Shocking part is you see girls actively trying their best to appeal to that.

But this is an extreme example.

The point here is to challenge women and stop being the guy that tries to impress her.


NOTE: Even if you don't feel confident or see yourself as the prize YET just say it anyway.

If you ask women this questions, at some point you start care about what their answer will be which rewires your brain to become challenging to women.

You'll also meet women that don't meet your standards in terms of their qualities or answer to your qualifications and you'll dismiss them (not in a rude way)

When you start doing this then you'll be like "Wow, I am the prize".

You get a mindset switch and women will see you got standards and you'll start to getting more women chasing you.