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Hey Brother,

Doesn't it just piss you off the way modern men have become a generation of lost and weak souls? No bite or substance.

Ever curious as to why is that?

I was watching Fight Club last night and for those who haven't heard of it, Fight Club is a movie about…

=> Consumerism, Perfection, and Modernity.

=> Masculinity in Modern Society. ...

=> Death, Pain, and the “Real” ...

=> Rebellion and Sacrifice. ...

=> Repression and the Unconscious Mind.

There is a reason why it's a 90s classic because it emphasizes the "weak men" part.

Think about it…

We are a generation of LOST men.

We never had to work with our hands and do hard manual labor.

We never really had to "toughen up" for anything at all.

That's why a lot of the guys in our generation are soft which is best summed up by this quote from Fight Club (my favorite quote)

"We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is our lives. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off."-Tyler Durden


No thanks to Hollywood, music, movies, and feminism…

You can see this emasculation everywhere which is slowly turning into hate towards women and that doesn't mean we should hate women or think we're better than them.

You should give every woman the benefit of the doubt

I've dated TONS of women and believe me, they are awesome.

but girls have it easy... especially if they're pretty

all they have to do is put on some makeup and go to the gym

A man has to:

=> Deal with his deep internal demons

=> reframe everything that's putting him in the victim mindset - even if it's contrary to the results he sees in the real world

=> Man up and grow a set of balls

=> force himself to approach

=> Learn proper strategies to avoid the thousands of variables working against you

Just to be able to date the women you want. There's no other way around it besides doing this even if you win the lottery...

you'll still have to learn this if you want the genuine affection of a beautiful woman

the only other option is just being miserable...

sitting and rotting away - because you got stuck in the mental bullshit that's keeping you from success:

"This will never work for me"

"I don't believe in myself"

"girls will never like me because of XYZ"

"I'm fucked & it will always be like this"

"I'm too nervous/scared/anxious"

so you spend your life on the sidelines watching OTHERS enjoy dating

that's no way to live

if you want to continue believing those things without putting in effort to change them...

there are plenty of toxic "movements" that will be glad to welcome you with open arms:

you can go on a black pill forum and mock other men's jawlines and facial symmetry all day...

but that will lead you down an even darker road into deeper depression

there's only ONE way to escape this pain. and that's to...


Talk soon