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Hey Bro,

I had an interesting conversation recently.

A guy mentioned that he looked up some of his ex-girlfriends and women who had led him on in the past.

Some had taken advantage of him when he was young and naive, while others were just too difficult to be with and he had to end things.

He found it satisfying to see that most of them were not doing well and enjoyed browsing their social media profiles, gloating over their misfortune.

In the bigger picture, this guy has been dating women in their 20s, which is often seen as the peak of their attractiveness.

Laws prevent dating teenagers, and college-age girls are usually out of reach for those who aren't in college anymore.

So, he focuses on "young professionals" – women who believe in pursuing careers and think they can have casual relationships without consequences.

When you break up with a woman in her 20s, she is usually at or past her peak attractiveness.

Therefore, she might not do as well in the future.

Many men prefer younger women when looking to settle down, choosing a 24-year-old over a 28-year-old if possible.

This preference exists unless they believe older women are more "mature" due to societal influences and feel guilty about being more attracted to younger women.

If women understood that their looks decline with age, they might make better choices.

It's hard to understand their thinking because it's often irrational.

Imagine having a secure, well-paying job for life.

Why would you leave that for a riskier job with less pay that might not last?

This is similar to women leaving a stable boyfriend to explore other options.

I admit I looked up some of my Exs to see how they are doing.

Seeing their profiles made me feel a mix of sadness and, at times, satisfaction when those who had been unkind were struggling.

Very few seemed to have made good life choices.

There’s a sense of justice when a once arrogant woman now posts heavily edited selfies that don’t hide her age.

Reflecting on my thoughts, I realized, "Man, you’re better than this."

While gloating can feel justified, it’s better to feel pity or sadness for these women who wasted their potential, regardless of how much they had.

As a man, it’s preferable to be indifferent to the self-inflicted struggles of women.

Until next time