New Post

Hey Brrr.

One of the most charismatic things you can do around women is to wrap boring or usual phrases in fancy, elongated statements.

For example, if she asks you, “When do you see yourself taking things forward with a woman?”

Instead of saying the usual “If I love being around her,”


“If I find myself enjoying her company in a non-sexual setting.”

It’s so simple, but women really dig this.

Notice how you’re not being a boring dork using logic, but you’re using fancy, interesting words to deliver your point.

Another example could be when you’re texting her, things are going well, and you want to set up a date.

Instead of saying, “Let’s go for coffee next week,”


“If you’re not married by next week and I don’t get hit by a truck, let’s grab coffee.”

Instead of saying, "Can you ask the others if they're coming?"


"Rally the troops, lieutenant!"

This is one of my favorite things to do around women.

Don’t be super nerdy with this all the time; it’s an art, not an exact science.

You’re welcome.

Anyway, I'm off to a charity football ⚽ match

Wish me luck.

Talk later!