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Hey Bro,

Long time, no see!

Did you miss me? 🥺 

Alright, I know you did so...

Anyway this past five days has seen me doing nothing but switching my routine to a comfort seeking one.

Yes, I know it's bad but see when you are working 19 hrs/day and only sleeping for 5 hrs then you start to get my point.

I spent the last 5 days just chillin' with my girl and watching some anime (I know you're shocked but yes, I watch anime)

My anime watchlist was Ragna Crimson, Faraway paladin and some isekai animes.

What cut my eyes in this watchlist was Ragna Crimson (and if you are not an anime fan, don't worry not going to bore you so I'll make it quick)

See Ragna Crimson was set in a world where humans were in a never ending war against dragons and humans were losing this war (badly!)

There are a set of humans known as "Dragon hunters" whose job is to hunt down dragons and kill them.

Our main character (Mc) name is Ragna and at the beginning of the series was underpowered cause he couldn't fight dragons to save his life so he partnered up with a 12 yr old female dragon hunter who is like the No.1 dragon hunter in their town (forgotten her name so we will call her V).

Now V did most of the hunting while Ragna did most of the chores like cleaning and carrying luggages.

Everything changed when Ragna had an epiphany about the future where he witnessed V's death at the hand of a "superior dragon" and he became paranoid from there about protecting V.

His glimpses into the future shows his future self as this miserable, morbid old man who is super overpowered but still sad about the fact that he couldn't protect V.

His future lived a life of despair and sorrow despite all his powers.

So our MC was granted powers from his future self in order to stop V's future death and also wipe out all dragonkind.

Won't go further than this as I don't want to "nerd" out the non-anime fans but if you're an anime fan then check out Ragna Crimson.

I know you're probably wondering why I'm talking to you about this anime?

Well it's simple: It caught my eye in a very "dayum, I can relate with this" way.

See the mc initially just wanted to die, he didn't have any reason to live but when he foresaw the death of V was when he really started to take things seriously.

I call it "The kick in the teeth" moment.

It's similarly to my experience where I was lazy when it comes to making money so I'll relax in my 9-5 until I had a "kick in the teeth" (losing my job) moment.

This applies to you as well, not being able to walk up to that girl that frequent the same store as you and strike a conversation with her cause you know you'll see her next time but...

What if there isn't a next time?

What if you die now or tomorrow?

Why can't you take action NOW?

Sure if you're a nihilist like I once was, you could but "there is no meaning to life" and you'll probably be right but see "We humans, are what give meaning to life and not the other way round."

So what are you procrastinating about that you haven't taken action on?

Is it your dating life, finances etc?

Take action NOW!

Don't wait for life to kick you in the teeth cause you won't like how it will kick.

Anyway that's all from me.


PS: I'm going to be dropping some bangers this week so make sure to check k your mail regularly.