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Yo brrr

No woman will immediately chase you unless you're tall, muscular, rich, and charismatic.

Even then, women often hold back because they don't want to validate you too quickly.

A man needs to pursue a woman initially.

Not in a desperate way, but persistently. “The sale is in the follow-up,” as they say.

You need to regularly engage her to stay on her mind.

Send her memes, talk about random things, flirt, tease, and banter persistently.

At first, you're not asking her for anything because you don’t want to come across as just wanting to get in her pants.

You want to be the “confident guy who’s this way with all girls.”

This makes her interested in you.

Then, bring her into your world.

Show her your interesting life.

On social media, let her see other girls commenting on your posts.

In real life, be seen with your social circle doing cool things.

Be a man in demand.

Gradually, start reducing your attention.

You’ve got her interested, now let her come to you.

You chased her to make her care about you, and she saw you’re a fun, charming guy with a cool life.

Now she doesn’t want to lose you.

At this point, you don’t answer her texts quickly, don’t always pick up her calls, and text irregularly.

You’re always busy.

But when you are available, make sure she has an amazing time.

Keep her wanting more by talking about your past and building a vision for the future that she wants to be part of, but make her feel like she has to prove she’s ready for it.


if you want to go down that route,

Starting fights out of nowhere works brilliantly AFTER you have her hooked to you.

The important thing is to Gaslight her into believing she’s the problem and you’re the victim.

This eats her from guilt and keeps her constantly reaching out to “apologize”

(Personally I don’t do that because I’d rather have a healthy association with women at the “cost” of her chasing me 10% less.)

This is how you make a woman perpetually chase you.

Of course, you’d already know this if you got "WHAT WOMEN WANT"

