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Hey Brother,

One of my clients recently shared a fascinating story about his dating experience.

Basically, he went on a date where the woman seemed uninterested or even unfriendly.

After a while, he politely said goodbye and left. You might think leaving a painful date isn't a big deal, but it actually is.

Many guys stay in tough dates or even bad relationships just because they hope for SEX.

When the average Joe goes on a date, he often tries really hard to impress the woman.

He might have stories ready to keep the conversation lively and of course pays for drinks or a cab for the girl.

Following the usual routine, he may spend hours entertaining her over multiple dates, all hoping to get laid.

However, guys with self-confidence approach dating differently. While some advice suggests "being the prize" or focusing on inner confidence, it's hard to fake if you don't truly believe it.

Desirable men find it tough to tolerate a date with a bad attitude. Instead of enduring bad behavior, they quickly react and leave if something doesn't sit right with them.

This is something you should do too.

When I first heard about the "power to walk away," it sounded strange to me. I thought it was obvious that you could just leave if you wanted to.

But when I started dating, I encountered situations in dating apps where the person didn't match their online profile pictures.

I would excuse myself quickly, usually within a few minutes, and sometimes call them out on their dishonesty.

What surprised me was that these women didn't seem bothered by their actions. One even got upset because I left, saying I shouldn't have "dared to walk away."

It was like she felt entitled to a top-shelf guy and thought her lies didn't matter.

Many guys need to realize they have the power to walk away, but it only works if they know they have other options.

If a woman tricks you into meeting by using manipulated pictures or you're on a date and she is acting hostile/unfriendly, it's important to be mature enough to realize it's better to walk away than subject yourself to that.

But it gets worse. I recently heard about a guy who ended up on a Tinder date with a feminist who wanted to peg him with a strap-on dildo before they could have sex.

It's shocking to hear about, and it's a clear sign that if you're willing to degrade yourself just for a chance at sex, you need to work on yourself.

The expression on someone's face when they feel entitled to your time or presence as you walk away can be priceless.

But that shouldn't be your motivation. Instead of seeking revenge for being tricked, the focus should be on respecting yourself, which is why you choose to walk away.

Now, the question is how to do it. You can do it gracefully or not so gracefully. Despite my sometimes strong language, I'm not blunt in real life. I give the other person a chance to keep their dignity.

I wasn't always like that, but I've learned that embarrassing someone in public isn't worth it.

Plus, it's not like such a woman doesn't know she's trying to trick you; she's counting on your sense of politeness to manipulate you.

The direct approach is to tell her she looks nothing like her pictures (in the case of manipulated picture) or "I don't feel this will work" (in the case of her acting unfriendly/hostile), thank her for the drink (even if she hasn't paid but you won't or you can be the bigger man and pay for the drinks), and leave.

Once, I ended a date by saying "this isn't going to happen" and walking off without waiting for her reply.

If you're used to being dishonest at work, you can pretend to get an urgent message on your phone and say you need to leave.

Tell her she looks great and apologize for leaving abruptly, then make a fake excuse about needing to take care of something.

You might even promise to make it up to her with dinner, but then ghost her later. A middle ground is to say you have something urgent to attend to and leave without the extra lies.