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Hey Bro,

Something interesting happened today.

I was on my way back from the gym when I saw a group of high school kids hanging out at a nearby cafe, probably skipping classes since they were in their uniforms.

But what really caught my attention was this one guy, surrounded by four girls, while the other three guys in the group just talked amongst themselves.

It reminded me of that one dude we all knew in high school—the guy who always had girls around him.

You ever know someone like that?

I used to wonder why all the girls, in their short skirts, would flock to him.

He wasn’t even that physically attractive, but there he was, stealing all the attention.

Meanwhile, I was the “nice guy” getting friend-zoned by those same girls.

Looking back now, I can laugh about it.

Things are different now because I discovered the power of being a bad@ss.

And only then did I realize why that guy had so much pull with the girls.

He wasn’t irresistible because he was better looking or more charming.

It was because he knew, deep down, that he was better than them—not in a disrespectful way, but in a confident way.

He knew he had more going on in his life than just chasing girls.

He had his boys, his interests, and he was “the guy” who wasn’t afraid of anything, not even the teachers.

It wasn’t about being cocky or rude.

It was about having a slight sense of entitlement, knowing his worth, and positioning himself at the top.

And that confidence showed in how he interacted with girls.

He wasn’t afraid to tease them or even push their buttons a little.

He didn’t fear the consequences because he wasn’t desperate for their approval.

Now, I’m not saying you should go around acting reckless or careless.

You’re not in high school anymore, and women aren’t your only goal in life.

But I do want you to ask yourself this: “Am I selling myself short in life?”

Because I used to.

I didn’t think I was worthy, and I put myself in the “loser” category.

And guess what?

The world agreed with me and treated me that way. I spent my time trying to prove myself to others and to women, always trying to qualify myself.

But when I finally realized I didn’t have to be so self-conscious, my life changed.

When I gave myself permission to be my most confident, badass self, everything fell into place.

So right here, right now, I’m telling you: I give you full permission to be the most badass version of yourself.


Will you take it?

  • MOS


How long until you jump off the fence and into the winning team?