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Hey Brother,

I flirt with all women.

Even the ugly ones.

Especially the ugly ones.

And people often ask me:

"MOS, why focus on ugly women?"

My answer is simple.

I don’t flirt to get something from women.

I’m already amazing.

My energy is full and overflowing.


Flirting alone doesn't help attract women.

It's the playful teasing and banter that bring you closer.

I flirt with women for THEM.

I flirt because it brightens a woman's day.

And I ESPECIALLY flirt with ugly women because...

NOBODY else does.

Attractive women know they are attractive.

They have plenty of admirers who remind them daily.

But the less attractive ones?

They often feel invisible.

It's like a weak man’s experience, but much worse.

Because every day, in group chats and on social media,

They see their pretty friends going out on nice dates and being treated well.

But them?

They get ignored.

Sure, sometimes they get attention from guys looking for a quick hookup.

But to those guys, they are just that.

No man wants to be seen with a less attractive woman.

And she knows it.

I flirt ESPECIALLY with ugly women to show her:

“I see you”

I give her a bit of my time and energy.

I don’t sleep with ugly women,

But I’m not afraid to be seen with them.

Even when I’m out with my friends and surrounded by beautiful women,

I’m the one who makes the ugly ones laugh and enjoy themselves.

You might be thinking,

“Then why call them 'ugly,' MOS? Why not just 'unattractive'?”

Because I am a Man Of Steel.

And when you’re ready,

Hope you enjoyed this, badass.