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Hey Bro,

In dating, men can be their own worst enemies.

Guys often focus on one or two things about themselves and blame every rejection or bad experience on that one thing.

Some think they need model looks...

Others get hung up on their ethnicity, height...

Their physique, how much money they have...

Or even their receding hairline...

Their lack of experience with girls, or being shy and awkward can also be a mental stumbling block.

Whatever your hangup may be, know this:

That belief alone will end up handicapping and defeating you with women, not the actual thing you think is wrong with you.

So how do you get over it?

It's like the shadows on the wall in...

Plato's Allegory of the Cave.

In Plato's allegory, he described prisoners chained inside a cave since birth.

They face a wall, unable to turn around, with fire behind them.

The fire casts shadows of people, animals, and objects moving on the wall of the cave...

But the prisoners can't see the actual objects making the shadows.

This makes them believe the shadows are real entities.

The prisoners name and classify these illusions because the illusions are all they ever knew.

Suddenly, one prisoner is freed and brought outside for the first time.

The sunlight hurts his eyes...

The new environment is disorienting...

When he's told the things around him are real, and their shadows are just reflections, he can't believe it.

The shadows still seem much more real to him.

But gradually, his eyes adjust.

He starts to see reflections in the water and can look at objects directly.

Finally, he can see the sun, the ultimate source of everything he has seen.

The freed prisoner runs back to the cave to share his discovery with the others still chained up...

But he's not used to the darkness anymore and has a hard time making out the shadows on the wall.

This makes the other prisoners think his journey has made him stupid and blind.

So they violently resist any attempts to be freed.

This is what Plato used as an analogy for what it's like to be a philosopher trying to educate the general public.

Most people are not only comfortable in their ignorance...

They're downright hostile to anyone who points it out.

That's why Socrates was sentenced to death by the Athenian government for "disrupting the social order."

And that's also why I get haters in my comments telling me you need to have model looks or be 6+ feet tall to date attractive women.

What happens is this:

If a guy is short and believes girls won't like him because he's short...

This belief alone will cause him to avoid talking to beautiful women when he goes out.

Because why bother when they'll reject you for being short?

But let's say he actually puts himself out there and gets rejected.

His next thought will be:

"Oh, she rejected me because I'm short!"

But it wasn't because of that.

Here's what's really going on:

First off, he came in with a negative mindset.

I tell guys to think of themselves as a 100/100.

But because he believes his shortness is an issue, he thinks he's a 30/100 or a 40/100.

So when he walks up to the girl, he's already expecting a rejection.

I tell you to expect success, to expect that you already got the girl before you approach.

But since he's expecting rejection, it comes through in subtle ways—through his words and body language.

He comes off as under-confident and unsure of himself.

So the negative energy and lack of confidence he brings to the interaction cause the rejection, not his height.

But what does he tell himself?

"It was my height."

Replace "height" with any limitation you may think you have with women.

Be it your lack of physical fitness, lack of money, lack of experience, or baldness.

Those things are merely the shadows on the wall...

And I want to free you from this cave.

There's tons of beautiful women waiting for you out here, ready to embrace you.

But you have to unshackle yourself and spend a small period of time getting your eyes used to the light.

So if you're ready to escape the cave of limiting thoughts and free yourself for good...

When your previous limitations have vanished, and you are swimming in high-quality dates and options...

You'll know clicking on the link was the best decision you ever made.