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Hey Bruv,

Becoming successful is a skill.However, maintaining that success and building on it?

That's an art.

Everyone knows how to be successful.

Just put in more hours into what you're trying to achieve.

It's as simple as that.

But success in one area always comes at the cost of success in others.

For example, to be successful in dating, your health might suffer.

Because you start going out more, partying more, and deviating from your routine.

But...You become very skilled at attracting women.

But you can't stop there.

You need to build on that success in a way that improves other areas of your life as well.

And it's easy.

Because everyone - both men and women - want to be around someone who is good with girls.

Women want to be around a guy who is good with girls because it allows them to feel relaxed, safe, and have fun without boundaries since you're not desperate.

Men want to be around you because they desire women.

P***y is a form of currency in the world of power, wealth, and dominance.

If you can't attract women, nobody important will want to associate with you.

And I'm not trying to degrade women by using the term "p***y."

I'm just being brutally honest.

Being good with girls is a life skill.

Learn the game.

Ps: If you want to learn the Game then get “what women want”

See you on the other side.