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Hey Brother,

Get ready for a revelation that will revolutionize your perception of the "be direct" approach.

You've got it all wrong.

It's never about being ambiguous or deceitful about your intentions with women.

In fact, let's turn this question around:

Are your intentions with her misguided?

Don't you want what's best for her?

Of course you do.

You're THE MAN - the one she'll have the time of her life with.

You know she'll be thinking about you every night before she goes to bed.

But there's a suave approach to navigate this.

You can't just lay out your intentions upfront when you're just getting to know her.

Being overly direct too soon can come off as "out of touch."

After all, she barely knows you.


You need to subtly convey your intentions.

You need to imply your attraction by attributing it to HER.

"Stop doing that, you're making me like you."

All her subconscious registers is "keep doing that, he's into it."

This subtly communicates her attraction to you.

When she offers an insightful comment, respond with, "Woah, you might be more than just a pretty face."

ONLY AFTER you've slept with her should you consider discussing where you see the relationship going, if at all, and ONLY after she's asked you several times.

Initially, brush it off with "We're just two people enjoying each other's company."

The underlying tone should always convey:

"I'm a man, you're a beautiful woman. I'm attracted to you, but I'm not fully committed yet."

It should feel natural and matter-of-fact.

Man to woman.

I hope this brings you clarity and empowerment, brother.

And if you're still unsure, reach out to me.

Learn game.