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Hey Brother,

I once dated a woman who could best be described as a social butterfly, with a very large group of friends.

The guys stuck around because they were interested in her sexually, and she didn’t even like the other girls that much, but they were the friends she had. They competed against each other in areas like makeup, outfits, and physical fitness.

This seemed like a miserable existence, and let me give you an example of just how miserable it was.

This woman was very good at spending her father's money. Her expenses were much higher than mine.

Even though she was still a student, she spent money like a professional with a high salary in Europe.

She ate at restaurants almost every day, saying it was as cheap as cooking at home. She also enjoyed going to brunch on Sundays.

I went with her once or twice, but then I stopped because I found the costs too high.

She knew all the fancy hotels and restaurants for Sunday brunch. This usually cost more than 40 euros per person, and this was several years ago.

Before going to brunch, she would brag to her friends about the fancy place she was going to, making them want to come too.

Sometimes her friends would plan to go to an expensive place, and then she felt she had to join them as well.

When we arrived, she was more worried about sitting where she could be seen and chatting about random stuff. She barely ate anything. My view was that if I spend 40 euros or more on brunch, I should eat a lot, especially the expensive items like salmon.

But not her. She might put a small piece of bread with cream and a bit of salmon or just a few big olives on her plate to pretend she was eating.

She liked poking a big olive with a toothpick and sucking on it suggestively. For her, brunch was just a chance to be seen and show off spending money.

Eating was clearly not her main focus.

I don't think this woman was particularly unique. Many women like her spend money they didn't earn and want to be seen doing it.

On the other hand, my male friends and I were more concerned about getting good value for our money.

Even the wealthier guys I knew never acted like that. It was more pleasant to be around them because we met up to catch up, not to be part of some public show.

If a woman says she loves having brunch or eating out, she might be someone to avoid. Character traits show up even in small things.

A selfish woman who doesn't care about time or money will act the same way with bigger expenses. If you think spending a bit of money now is okay, wait until she brings up vacation plans.

Suddenly, you're looking at a bill that could buy a small used car instead of a new video game.

See you tomorrow.