Optimized baby

Hey Brother,

Approaching a girl is one thing, but sealing the deal with her number is a whole other ball game. It's the crucial step that determines whether your interaction fades into memory or blossoms into something more.

Here's the thing: even if the conversation is flowing smoothly, it's ultimately your responsibility to secure her digits. But fear not, because I've got the most optimized method to make it happen seamlessly.

Picture this: you're in a buzzing nightlife venue, vibing with a girl. The transition to getting her number goes like this:

"We should hang out after this - what are you doing?"

If she throws a curveball like "I'm the designated driver" or "I'm sticking with my friends," it's a logistics dead-end. Time to pivot to plan B: setting up a date.

You smoothly ask, "Do you like [insert date activity]?" It could be anything from coffee to cocktails.

When she nods eagerly, you seal the deal with, "Cool, we should meet for [date activity] during the week." By establishing the future meetup first, asking for her number feels like the natural next step.

Here's the compliance hack: when you hand her your phone, ask, "Are you 619 or 858?" (You ask her which one of the two area codes in your area she is, ex; is a san diego area code) This subtle move increases her likelihood of typing in her number.

Once she's done, have her verify it to avoid any typos. Then, while she's still in front of you, iron out the details of your upcoming rendezvous.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"Cool, let's meet tomorrow afternoon."

With the date set, you shoot her a quick text: "Hey, it's [your name] from [venue]. See you tomorrow for [date activity] ;)"

Boom. Date locked in, mission accomplished. Now you're free to work your magic on other potential connections, knowing you've maximized your chances of success.

This, my friend, is what we call an optimized approach. It's about prioritizing actions based on their effectiveness in achieving your dating goals.

This is just a tip of the iceberg, Get my book “What Women Want” and you'll be on the fast track to a dating life beyond your wildest dreams.

Ready to take the plunge and unlock your dating potential? Let's make it happen.

Until next time