Pay attention

Hey Brother,

It's really easy to stand out these days in dating with most dudes out of the game. Only a few are getting the stunning girls and you could be among them if you just incorporate these 5 TIDBITS into your arsenal.


This is something you have to be aware of if you are out meeting women or if you are in a long-term relationship (LTR)

Girls will say/do things that will make you uncomfortable... ignore it.

- When she shit-tests you, ignore it.

- Asks you a question you don't feel like answering, ignore it.

I believe one of the most uncomfortable things a woman has done was the time I was at a bar, sitting alone by myself around 10 pm, and about three drinks in, this intoxicated milf walks in, sat down next to me, and blurts out a very embarrassing opener "I'm old enough to be your mom, are you single?"

She was in her mid-40s and I was in my early 20s.

Haha 😂 I know right, my mates made fun of me the day I told them this story.

You should ignore her frame cause that is the way to obliterate it and there is nothing she can do about it.

It's either your frame or the door.

If you smoothly do this then she won't want to stop talking to you and gets used to doing things your way.

This all boils down to investment which we will talk about next...


Have her tell you stuff about her.

Move her around and lead them somewhere close by.

Get them to put in the work to be with you.

Get them accustomed to doing what you ask/tell them to do.

So when you want to lead her to sex later, it feels natural to you and for her to follow your lead.


If you are the guy who is making sure that everyone in the group is having fun no matter where you are.

When women see you making sure that people in a group are having fun, introducing people, and socializing with strangers... they realize that you are the leader and women are attracted to leaders.

You are bringing much energy to the group and women dig energy.


Which means having:

- Solid eye contact

- Smile

- More kino (touches)

- Adding a bit of sexual innuendos to your repertoire

- Letting her see that other women are interested in you.

- Being interesting and welcoming while being aloof.

- Be a bit evasive and never answer her questions 100% satisfactorily.


Her: What did you do on the weekend?

Me: I hit the gym on Saturday and then went on a mission with friends to save the world (with a smirk) Had the best taco of my life on Sunday. And completed a client work that has been giving me aches. Hmu what trouble did you get into, missy?


You have to be comfortable in your skin cause women can tell when you are comfortable or not.

I've had women comment on how chill and laid back I was when before as a newbie, I used to get flustered when chicks called me out.

Being chill is a huge turn-on for women.

Incorporate these 5 tidbits and watch your Game improve with women.