Q & A session

Hey Brother,

I got an email from a fellow subscriber which says...

"Hi MOS, Your emails are informative. I would love an email explaining how women are emotional and which emotions they respond to and how to go about getting into their heads on an emotional level. Hope all that makes sense."



My response:

The thing you have to first understand about women is that women respond to a lot of things just based on how they feel. They do stuff based on how they feel at a particular moment.

That is why when you get a girl's number, you hit her up like 2-3 days later and she won't respond to your text or call... it's because you know on the day you approached her, she was feeling you but 2-3 days later something else is going on at that exact time when you called or texted her and she's not feeling the same way she felt in the moment when she was talking to you.

Understand her feelings might be different at that point so now that she's feeling something different depending on the situation or whatever is happening with her at that moment is going to determine if she's going to hit you back.

Cause if she is still feeling you enough then she is going to want to text you back or pick. up the phone when you call. Most times she doesn't respond cause she is feeling...

=> Tired.

=> Upset.

=> Angry.

=> Not feeling sexy and all these other emotions that are going on in her AT THAT MOMENT.

The way that women behave is quite random and ever-changing. You could be talking to a girl at 2:30 and at 2:45 she is feeling different than how she felt at 2:30.


When we talk about getting a chick emotionally attached to you, a lot of it has to do with your intentions. When you are dealing with a woman then you have to want to get with her sexually and mentally, you have to be in at a 💯 and it has to come across when you are talking to her so that she can feel that energy.

A lot of guys will see a girl that they like and approach her with this sort of nervous energy which is unnerving. What happens is your intention of getting sexual with her gets bottled down in your nervousness about the situation. Since you are nervous then she can't feel that emotion and intention from you.

This is why I tell you guys to practice talking with girls so as you practice more, you will come across as authentic.

Think about like when you are watching a movie. The things that they portray to you in movies like the storyline etc have an intention behind it. Say you are watching a horror movie then you know the intention is to scare you or a comedy movie's intention is to make you laugh. Same thing with music and now you can shift this so when you talk to girls, you have that intention for her to "feel something."

When you are talking to girls and they feel you are nervous then it's going to make that conversation awkward. It takes away the feeling that she is supposed to be feeling for you. All this boils down to self-conviction.

Being sure of yourself makes that intention energy flow when you feel it for real and this is why you have to authentic cause if you are not authentic then you come across as a bad actor. This is why nice guys are struggling to get women cause when you act like a nice guy, it comes across as phony and women can sense that shit.

You need to understand how important it is for your intentions to be there when talking to women which is by believing what you are saying.

When your intention is real, you just make things happen and not in an "I hope she likes me" way but in a "That girl is hot, let's say what she's all about" kind of way which makes you boldly approach them and that turns chicks on.


Another way to make girls emotionally attached to you is to listen to her. The reason why you need to listen to her is when you are listening to what she says, she is going to give you certain information that you can use in your later conversations to get her emotionally invested.

A lot of guys make the simple mistake of being logical with women but the thing is you can use logic to attach an emotion that she expressed to you. You can attach logic to an emotion she is feeling to make her feel it even more so she can understand what you are saying better. Let me show you how 👇

Had this girl once who I went out on a first date with and was trying to set up a second date to make something happen. I called her to set up the date, but she was reluctant to go out cause she had work then I remembered she told me about being a huge fan of being outdoors/outdoor activities (this is what happens when you listen - you pick up crucial details) so I told her about a street fair that I know was happening downtown and she was going to love it since she loves the outdoors.

By saying that, it triggers something in her since she loves outdoor activities so much that even if she doesn't want to see me at first, she will be willing to see me now since I used logic to increase the emotional feeling she has about the outdoors.

I used that to entice the situation and make something happen. Another thing is when you bring such a thing up, she notices that you are listening to her and women love to be listened to. You must listen to her so you can pick up details that will make your conversation enticing enough to make stuff happen.


Another way to get her emotionally invested in you is to upgrade her mind. This simply means teaching and making her learn something she probably didn't know before. By doing this, you show her that you have some type of perspective/knowledge/insight that she didn't have before, and since she is getting it from you then she will attach herself to you. She becomes attached based on what you offer on an intellectual level.

I remember talking to a girl who was a singer one time hustling to make it so she had a demo tape and she would do show and other stuff. I remember she used to be obsessed over getting the right song and that if she can't get the right song then she won't make it.

So I offered my perspective on the things I know about the music industry firsthand and how it works. I told her that a lot of times in the music business, artists have a team that writes their songs for them including the hit songs and all they have to do is perform. It's not like most artists have some special gift and that was what the girl thought she needed to make it so I told her "Sure, write the songs as best as you can but don't stress too much about the song and you gotta also focus on networking, marketing and other stuffs."

These were things she didn't know at the time about the business so me telling her all this upgraded her mind and it made her see these things in a different light which changed her whole perspective on things. It made her feel better to know these things and since I'm the one who told her about this, she attaches those good feelings that she had for me.

The simple way to do this is when a girl says something that you know to be wrong, all you have to do is tell her the truth. That's it.

You will come across this a lot of times and you don't need to be "in your face" about it. Just offer a new perspective or point of view and this would upgrade her mind. I had this conversation with my FWB once which goes like this:

Her: Oh you know, I don't know if I can continue seeing you because you keep talking about how you are not trying to get into a relationship right now and I want to get into a relationship because I want a boyfriend then a husband and then have kids blah blah blah

Me: Listen, you don't need to stress about all that because right now, me and you are having a great time. You gotta understand how to live in the moment cause you are not living right now. You are simply worried about the future. Now do you and I have a good time together?

Her: Yes we do

Me: We have fun when we are chilling?

Her: Yes

Me: Exactly, don't worry about all that extra stuff cause you stressing yourself out over nothing. I or you could die tomorrow so the only thing that matters is NOW and right now we are having a good time so let's keep having a good time.

Notice how I gave her the perspective of living in the moment and that calmed her mind down cause she was thinking about all this other stuff. This is another example of upgrading her mind. She will then attach that wisdom she has heard to me so she knows if she wants more of this then she has to come to me.

A lot of times, women are out juggling multiple guys and that makes you stand out more doing this cause you are probably the only one trying to smash and upgrade her mind while the rest are just looking to smash only.

Now with all these methods of getting emotionally attached, you have to understand that you have to get her to see you in a positive light to the point that she feels good every time she is with you. Doing this stuffs get girls emotionally attached to you.

The best part about this is if you can build a team of women who are emotionally attached to you then you can build a harem since you have them on an emotional level which makes the bond stronger and that is what will make her keep coming back to see you.

Hope this helps.

Until next time