You are the right guy

Hey Brother,

Guys always ask me whether girls will "like" an aspect of them that is actually irrelevant:

Whether it's your body type, or your facial qualities, or your crooked teeth, or your receding hairline...

None of it matters.

The thing you need to understand is that...

Girls will like anything as long as they like YOU

in other words:

if a chick is already into you...

She'll start finding everything else about you attractive too and you'll start seeing her saying she loves your gapped teeth or your oversized nose...

or any other "quirky" feature about you that you may think is hindering you right now.

That's why all those physical attributes guys can be so worried about are actually irrelevant.

if you really want to get her into you...

You don't have to change your looks

instead, believe and act like you are a 100/100...

Assume she is already attracted to you at all times and act like you've ALREADY banged her, even if you haven't.

Those three things will go a far longer way in getting a girl attracted to you than fixing any "physical" feature that doesn't mean you shouldn't also work on your looks and physique but they won't have the biggest effect on your ability to get hot girls and once she's into you...

She'll start to convince herself she likes those "imperfections" about you too

That's just how the game works and it's part of why i love it.

Talk soon.