The right way

Hey Brother,

Having a social circle will play an integral role in your life.

Some of my best moments in life were the ones where I spent with my social circle filled with awesome people.

Sure, there are times when playing the lone wolf can be helpful but humans are social creatures which means you need to find/create your "tribe".

Having a social circle has its many advantages which depend entirely on the "quality" of the members.

Note: Quality is subjective based on your personal opinion.

So shall we...

1. Build and they will come.

Most times it's better to build your social circle with you at the helm of affairs rather than joining a pre-existing one for the simple reason that in your social circle, you want people who share the same goals or interests.

When I was learning Game, most times it was tough to go out alone and approach women but I decided to invite the boys out, and then we will talk about Game. We'll schedule a time to practice the Game and each brings their own experience to the foil. As time went by, the group started to expand. It paid off for me since I was the leader as I got access to the guys who were super amazing with women and also the guys who had minimal success with women but were doing very well in their general life.

All this was down to me making plans, taking responsibility, leading by example, and spurring the lads on.

2. Organize more than you attend

When I was in college, a friend of mine suggested I host a party if I wanted the top-performing scholars and athletes to give me their seal of approval.

Which I did and it ended up giving me a chance to network with guys that took me to different levels.

You need to be hosting more parties, events, etc if you can create a space for people to meet and interact then you become the go-to guy. The law of reciprocation plays its part and people will also host parties, events, etc that they will invite you and you get to meet other people so your social circle expands.

3. The law of reciprocation

You got to be offering something of value to people and you don't even need to expect it back. It's like planting a seed and in the end, it will bear fruit cause people will always be compelled to return the favor.

Ex: This is on X (Twitter), I approached a big account (can't say the name) and then I gave him a suggestion that helped him double his course sales and since then he has also helped with suggestions not just on my account but offline also and so we have been building a relationship which started when I gave value.

So it's not about giving money, you can give value by giving advice, you could buy lunch, you could help someone with their business, etc

If you give value then you will build an awesome social circle.

4. Join Clubs, Classes, Teams and Groups

Joining a salsa class can ensure you build an awesome social circle filled with beautiful women.

This is the best way to build a social meeting people with the same hobbies, interests, and goals.

For me, I joined a football ⚽️ team filled with guys who love and play at their leisure time and these guys are business owners like me so it's all good.

Though I'm not a grand master of chess. I'm in a group filled with big accounts from X (Twitter) where we talk chess, business, and life.

Going to the gym is also a way to meet awesome people to build your social circle and the more expensive the gym, the better.

If I wanted to build my social circle from scratch (especially fill it up with beautiful ladies), I would do this, and then...

5. Approach, Approach and Approach

I will go out and approach women on the beach, street, at parties, and events. Most of the women I've dated and been friends with, I had approached. They invited me to parties and introduced me to other women and men (for business purposes) in their social circle which would become my own.

Not everything is about sex.

6. Sometimes say "Yes"

Saying "yes" when you are invited to a party or event might increase your chances of building a social circle. You don't want to say "yes" to being taken advantage of but at some point instead of working all day or using the excuse that you are an introvert, just go to more parties, events or seminars cause these places are where networking opportunities are.

7. Screen and pick your tribe

This is very important, not everyone you will meet will help you grow and you must keep an eye out for such people so you don't stagnate.

"You are the average of the people you spend your time with"

So ensure you hang out with people who will challenge you to grow.

Made from Steel