Stay unfazed

Hey Brother,

Ever wondered what it's like to walk in the shoes of a super-hot girl?

From dodging awkward approaches at the gym to fending off cringe-worthy pick-up attempts at the bar, it's a non-stop parade of "nice guys" trying their luck.

But here's the kicker: most of these approaches are just plain off-putting. So, over time, hot girls develop a set of go-to strategies to politely (or not-so-politely) fend off unwanted attention.

Think about it: when every other guy is vying for her attention, it's no wonder she's quick to brush off advances with a "sorry, I have a boyfriend" or a dismissive eye-roll.

But here's where you come in:

Stop seeing her responses as "tests" to pass, and start viewing them as simple acts of compliance or non-compliance.

When she throws out a "we're busy here" or a sassy comeback, acknowledge it with a smile and continue with your approach. Show her you're unfazed by her initial resistance and watch as her perception of you begins to shift.

Remember, it's all about maintaining your cool, projecting confidence, and treating her non-compliance as playful banter rather than a rejection.

So, the next time you find yourself in a conversation with a hottie who seems less than receptive, keep your 100/100 mindset intact and push past her initial defenses.

Because when you master the art of navigating her resistance with ease, you'll find yourself unlocking access to a whole new world of high-quality connections.

Ready to take your dating game to the next level?

Until next time