My take

Hey Brother,

Guys often find themselves locked in debates about the quality of women they encounter, and it's not hard to see why: their experiences vary wildly. But the real question isn't why this discrepancy exists, but rather, what fuels it.

Sure, the environment plays a role. Whether you're mingling in the bustling streets of San Francisco or the charming lanes of Prague, you're bound to meet different types of women. Even within the same city, the crowd at a college campus differs from the yuppie scene downtown.

But even when you control for these external factors, guys still walk away with drastically different impressions of women. Why? Well, it boils down to them.

Let me explain.

Back in the early days of my twitter, I touched on this topic. But here's the missing piece: your perception shapes your reality. It's not just about your general beliefs about women; it's about who catches your eye and where you choose to invest your energy.

Yes, there are plenty of women out there who are, to put it bluntly, not worth your time. They're bland, uninteresting, and sometimes downright obnoxious. But here's the kicker: I don't even notice them.

Why would I? They're just background noise in the symphony of life. What I do notice are the women who exude a certain charm, who radiate an intriguing energy. They're the ones who capture my attention, who make me sit up and take notice.

And because I focus on these women, my outlook on the dating scene remains optimistic. Even in the most mundane of settings, I can find at least one woman who piques my curiosity amidst a sea of forgettable faces.

So here's the bottom line: many of you are fixated on the wrong women. You're trapped in the echo chamber of the "manosphere," seeking validation for your belief that most women are inherently flawed. And guess what? You'll find exactly what you're looking for.

But instead of dwelling on the negatives, why not shift your focus to the women who actually matter? Trust me, they're out there, waiting to be discovered amidst the noise and chaos of everyday life.

It's time to change the narrative and embrace the possibility that not all women are cut from the same cloth. Open your eyes, broaden your horizons, and who knows? You might just find yourself pleasantly surprised by what you uncover.

Until next time