This is Why You Keep Failing

Hey Brrr,

Wanting success is not the same as being unable to live without it.

We all want luxury – fast cars, wealth, success.

But what you truly can’t live without is air, water, and food.

Which of those do you have right now?

If you keep failing, it's because you didn’t want success as badly as you thought.

When you don't want it enough, you don’t give it your all.

You lose focus.

You allow distractions like sports or entertainment to take up time that should be used for your goals.

True success comes to those who can't live without it.

I became who I am today because I refused to let my weak side win.

I couldn’t live with the part of me that accepted defeat – the part that got cheated on by my girlfriend with my Mentor.

I didn’t just want success, I demanded it from myself.

The universe responds when you demand everything from yourself.

You have to keep pushing.

Keep growing.

But, there is one way this mindset can fail – when negative thoughts control your mind.

If you're constantly thinking, “What if I fail again?” or “Why do I keep messing up?” – you’ll hold yourself back.

To overcome this, you have to change the way you think.

Instead, tell yourself:

“I’m a winner.”

“This is just a test to prove how badly I want it.”

“I’ll keep winning no matter what.”

For the next week, repeat these thoughts in your head, and watch what happens.

P.S.: Check out the book "Psycho-Cybernetics" – it could change your life.

Keep going.

You got this.