Hey Brother,

When you're about to approach a girl or meet her for a first date, the most important thing you need to do is express yourself freely and authentically.

But here's the catch—you can only do that when you're mentally convinced of one thing:

"I'm going to get this girl for sure."

If your thoughts start creeping in like:

"Am I good enough for her?"

"Does she even like me?"

"I wonder if I'll get her?"

You're already setting yourself up to fail.

These doubts will seep into how you talk and act, and she’ll pick up on it.

It makes her question whether you're confident in your own value, which, trust me, isn't attractive.

Fixing This Mindset

Before you even approach her or meet her on that first date, imagine this:

What if someone came up to you and said, "Hey, she’s going to sleep with you. It’s a done deal."

They’ve already spoken to her and confirmed it.

It’s guaranteed.

Now, if that’s already locked in your mind, how would you act?

You wouldn't try so hard to win her over.

You wouldn’t be stressing about saying the "right thing" to make her like you.

This is what a lot of guys mess up—they’re always trying to earn her approval.

It’s the wrong approach.

Forget about trying to be the "cool" or "funny" guy.

Don’t worry about showing off to seem valuable.

The moment you do that, you’re already telling yourself you aren’t good enough.

And trust me, girls can sense that.

But if you genuinely believe that she’s already decided she wants you, everything changes.

You can relax, be yourself, and let things flow naturally.

You’ll be more confident, and that confidence will shine through in your body language, voice, and the way you carry yourself.

You won’t be second-guessing everything, wondering how well you're doing.

You’ll stop analyzing whether you're gaining or losing points.

You’ll stop caring whether or not she laughs at all your jokes.

Instead, you’ll just enjoy the moment, and that is what real confidence looks like.

Try This on Your Next 5 Dates or Approaches:

Pretend that someone told you, "She's already into you. It's a done deal."

Act like the outcome is already set in stone, and you can't screw it up.

This isn’t even just a mental trick.

If she’s agreed to go out with you one-on-one, or if she’s having a conversation with you, she’s already interested on some level.

Take confidence in that.

All you need to do from here is be yourself and move things forward naturally.


Now, don’t get it twisted—she’s not going to do all the work.

She’s not going to invite herself back to your place or turn the conversation sexual for you.

That’s your job.

You’ve got to lead things, but in a natural, non-pushy way.

This is where having a strategy matters.

You need to know how to confidently guide the conversation and interaction in a way that builds attraction.

If you’d like to dive deeper into the practical steps for doing this, my Master The Art Of Cold Approaching guide is designed to give you the exact strategies for moving things forward naturally with women.

Plus, it goes into more mindset techniques just like this one, to help you effortlessly project confidence and attract the women you want.

As you get better at this, you’ll find that each successful interaction reinforces the next, making it easier to attract the next girl.

Over time, it becomes a self-fulfilling cycle.

If you're ready to experience this firsthand, click here now to check out Master The Art Of Cold Approaching and start transforming your results with women.
