Hey playa,

Hitting the girl with a negative spike raises your value. Think about this, you are the only successful guy within your friend group so your friends get jealous about that, and instead of them trying to be successful like you, they proceed to talk shit about you to try to lower your status and make it equal in rank with theirs.

PS: Get rid of toxic friends.

When you are in an interaction with a girl, something you should understand is if you can diss, tease, neg, and push the girl away (not too much). It doesn't bring her status down, it just pushes your status up.

You are not necessarily talking shit to her. Say you are talking to a girl and she guesses something right instead of congratulating her for it, you play around with it.

Instead of "Hey congratulations" say "ok that was weird." The point is to play the serious note even though later on, you will admit that you were playing with her.

Girls are getting flooded by different dudes with positive emotions all the time. It becomes boring and predictable which means you got to be different at times.

Do note that you might get to a point where you will elicit too much negative spike and the girls will become clueless regarding your intentions. This is when you must dial it down a bit and give her positive spikes.

Mostly when you do this too much, girls will say things like:

- Why are you talking to me?
- Do you even like me?
- Why are you still talking to me?

TBH I'm not trying to make you go far in terms of giving her a negative spike but until she asks those questions then you have not gone too far enough.

An example of that was when I was visiting a friend in Cardiff, I met a gorgeous girl, and her name was Alisha. We got talking and then I told her that she looked Middle Eastern so she said "Middle Eastern? do you think I'm ugly?"

The average guy will probably reply with "Oh no, you are cute/gorgeous." Nope, do not jump right into that and play around with the answer.

This is how I replied to her: "Hold up, do you think Middle Eastern are ugly? and you think that I believe you are ugly, like really? exaggeratedly looks at her from top to down Honestly, I'm only interested in Latinas but you know what I noticed about you is you are bubbly and genuine and I like that."

Notice that with my response, I'm not pedestalizing her by saying "She is gorgeous" and I talked more about her personality rather than her looks.

The best part about this is it gets her seeking your validation which makes everything easy from there.

Give her a negative spike then sprinkle a bit of positive spikes and she is yours.