What Your First Text Should Convey

Hey Brr,

Last night, I approached a girl at the grocery store (got her #), hit her up just to gauge her availability for Saturday night.

BTW a fair amount of guys ask me about the first text: “What should I text the girl, MOS”?

As you can see from my text above...

The question shouldn’t be, "what do I text her”, but the real focus should be on your mindset, frame and how you approach the conversation.

Whenever I text a girl for the first time, upon getting her # or insta, I have never thought, "What do I say?" instead I think, "What kind of vibe do I want to convey"?

I don’t actually think about this since it is now hardwired within me (and automated). But the point is, your first text should convey that you’re a sexual being with romantic interest.

Preferably, you want to convey this with humor and NOT gravity and weightiness, since that would make you look creepy.

Hence, upon your first text, you want the girl to think of you as sexual and humorous, and not friendly/platonic or weighty/serious.

Check how I do just that after approaching this girl at the grocery store yesterday (after chatting her up for a bit prior).

I want(ed) her to think of me as: fun, funny, sexual, flirty and lighthearted.

Therefore, my first text (upon getting her # or insta), is always geared towards conveying just that, instead of conveying what 99.9% of guys do: platonic friends looking to chitchat.

This is how you plant the sexual seed early.

Until next time,