Why Every Year I Undergo "Reset"

Hey Bruv,

Every year I undergo “reset” which means…

Every year, I throw away my old “trophies” and “accolades”

They’re reminders of what I’ve achieved.

But they’re also reminders of who I used to be.

It wasn’t bad.

I did alright.

But I’ve never been someone who wants an “alright” life.

I want an extraordinary life.

And for that, I need to keep improving.

When I look at my old trophies, I feel proud.

But I also start to feel comfortable.

And that’s dangerous.

Comfort makes me want to relax, watch Netflix, play video games, and sit back.

But that’s the feeling I want to avoid at all costs.

I don’t want to settle.

These days, I don’t even collect trophies or medals when I win something.

I just do what I need to do and immediately start focusing on the next goal.


Because I don’t want to live in the past. I want to stay hungry.

I want to keep pushing forward, even when things get uncomfortable.

I look at my life and think, “Sure, it’s great now.”

But I remind myself of two things:

1. I’ve been blessed with this.

2. I haven’t done enough yet.

I don’t want to rest on my past achievements.

I want to keep growing.

Not because I hate where I’m at, but because I love where I’m going.

I’m my toughest critic, but also my biggest supporter.

I don’t need validation from others, I just need to keep moving forward.

This is why I keep growing, and it’s why you should too.

Do you get it?