This will change your life!

Hey Brother,

Ever felt like you're missing out on opportunities because your first impressions fall flat? It's time to change that.

Picture this: you walk into a room, make eye contact with someone, and within seconds, you've left a positive, memorable impression. How? It's all about mastering the art of eye contact.

It's a game-changer. No more awkward encounters or missed connections. Just pure, authentic interactions that leave a lasting impression.

Take it from someone who's been there.

One really helpful tip that you guys need to get in the habit of doing is that the moment you make eye contact with a person - hold eye contact, smile, and give a head nod.

Very easy but it will change your life. Don't be the guy who makes eye contact with your eyes tensing cause it makes you look weird. You can't come back from that cause it's going to look creepy when you approach the girl since she knows you saw her the first two times. Weak eye contact already displays who you are before you even say a word to her - which is an insecure man.

Make eye contact with people, it doesn't matter who they are (male or female) just smile, a little bit of a head nod and if they are still holding eye contact, you can do a wave.

I was leaving the gym two days ago. Fresh pump, just hit shoulders and traps, I was feeling pumped up and leaving the gym. The gym is connected to a mall so I was walking through the mall, I looked up and a girl was working as the cash registrar.

She looked over at me the second I looked over at her and I swear to God without any hesitation I started smiling within a microsecond she started smiling and I instantly put my hands up and I waved to her and she looked and instantly started blushing and laughing.

I didn't even go up and talk to her (full transparency) but I walked away from that feeling so f****** good and she probably did too. It was just that split moment of good positive energy being radiated outward. Instant good reaction, good smile and then I waved to her.

I almost started laughing because it was like so quick that it happened and the girl sort of started blushing and laughing too and then as I was walking by, I was still looking over at her and I had a bit of a chuckle going on and she was laughing too. If she was my type, maybe I could have pulled the trigger but one thing is for sure she was hooked so the set will be easy.

If it was a dude, I wouldn't be too expressive with guys (to make friends) so just make eye contact and nod to show acknowledgment. The same thing happened when I was in the lobby waiting for the elevator and some dude was walking by and I looked over at him then gave him a little bit of a head nod. He didn't look away, he wasn't super positive but he gave me a little look back as he got closer to me, I put my hand out for a fist bump and he 👊then I said " What's good bruv? and he replied I'm doing good man.

I have never met this guy before and this could happen in a nightclub, grocery store, etc. The point is I'm opening random people as if we are best friends so you would think that we knew each other (this is how it will look from an outsider's perspective) but what you don't see when I slow things down is it all started from the eye contact then acknowledgment instantly scanning how their reaction is, assuming that it's not negative for which I escalate by wave, fist bump or put my hand out confidently.

I did this with a bouncer at this venue I went to a month ago. I just held eye contact with him and I was like "What's up, dude" This dude was a massive 6'3, probably 250 lbs but I had zero hesitation even though I'm a tiny 5'9, I don't flinch cause it was important not to be intimidated by people plus the fact that I practiced this all the time.

This is how you get close to high-value people also how you can start an interaction from a distance with an attractive woman and how you make friends because the first impression of me in that microsecond is a non-threatening, confident high-value dude which is an invaluable skill set that every person you meet for the rest of your life will judge you on this even if they are not aware they are doing so.

If you didn't read this then you won't have known about this. Everyone else is oblivious to it but everybody does it. You guys reading this are the only ones that understand this and now that you know this, you can't go back on this. Since every other person will judge you in that microsecond when you first meet them you might as well get in the habit of holding eye contact without your eyes tensing and without tensing up your face at all while being super calm.


Until next time