You’re Being Blue-Balled

Hey BRO,

Here’s the best advice I can give you: stop focusing on closing the deal at all costs.

The pressure you’re putting on yourself?

She can sense it.

And it’s probably turning her off.

It’s not about always trying to get the end result.

It’s about being so comfortable with yourself that she feels like she has to qualify to you.

Sometimes things will work out, sometimes they won’t—and that’s fine.

You don’t close 100% of your sales deals, right?

Dating is no different.

In your recent texting situation, you tried to restart the conversation, even though she didn’t give you what you were clearly hoping for.

By doing that, you were chasing her to get that win, while she got what she wanted—validation.

She knows you’re still interested, but she didn’t have to give you anything in return. There’s no real challenge for her anymore.

In her mind, she made the right choice by holding back, so there’s no reward for her in moving things forward.

If there was any chance to turn it around, it would have been by responding politely with something simple like, “You’re welcome,” and then leaving it there.

She didn’t meet your expectations, so the ball is in her court. Let her reach out to you if she’s interested. If not, don’t waste your time.

Trying to chase her after she blocked you the night before is just uncalibrated and shows a lack of self-respect.

Respect yourself enough to move on.

Don’t get stuck on one woman who isn’t giving you what you need.

There are always more prospects out there.
